Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to A.A.S

Hi this is A.A.S and we have selected ten sports that we think are the best, from 1 being the best and 10 being the lowest
 (in our opinion) . 
If you want to look at blogs about these sports simply go to the left and click on the sport you are interested in.
1. Hockey
2. Baseball
3. Football
4. Golf
5. Lacrosse
6. Soccer
7. Hunting
8. Snowboarding
9. Skiing
10. Track
Also there are three of our individual blogs you can check out if you like, they are located on the top tab below our title. But if your bored there are daily sport quotes, fish, and games if you scroll down past the blogs. Thank you for checking out our blog we hope you enjoy!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Favorite Experience

My first baseball game were they actually counted points and the kids pitched was when i was 9 or 10. I was very nervous because i was so used to having a automatic pitcher. Now it was a real person so the pitch wasn't very accurate or consistent so I couldn't get used to the rhythm. I was mostly scared of getting hit bye the ball. The ump called for the next batter, and that was me. I walked slowly to the plate looking at the pitcher until I got to my batting square next to the home base. I was so nervous I remember my body shaking uncontrollably, and my hands barley gripped the rubber handle.

I took a few practice swings and got set, the pitcher took his time and I scooted a few inches from the base. He threw the ball and I jumped back swinging at nothing but air. Strike one the ump called, I tried to calm myself down but the fear of getting hit was to strong. He threw it again and I jumped back again, I needed to hit this one I told myself, after hitting the dirt of my cleats with my bat like the pros did I set myself and was focused completely on the ball. The pitcher saw a new confidence in me and got ready himself. He threw and i ducked, ball one called the ump.

This time I was ready I hit my cleats and got set, this time the pitcher threw it harder than the last two times i closed my eyes and swung as hard as i could. Unbelievably i hear a (Clink) and opened my eyes to see the ball run a straight away past the pitcher then hitting the ground and bouncing along. In my moment of shock I only had time to get to first but a hit's a hit. Well that's my first experience I hope you liked.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Grant's favorite experiance

My favorite experience was when I got my first hat trick.  It was last year at my hockey tournament, and my parents said that if I scored three goals that I could drive all the way home.  My first goal came to me while I was camped out by the net in the back door, my teammate passed me the puck and I quick turned it and put it in the net.  It was a great feeling, and my next goal happened the same way, I was at the back door and I was given the puck.  My third and final goal came the same way, I got the puck at the back door and put it in.  However, I wasn't given that goal.  The referee said that someone was in the crease or something like that and called it off.  I was mad at the reff, but I couldn't do anything about it.  I had other moments that I almost scored, once I hit the pipe and another I missed entirely.  After the game, my mom said good job and that the goal should have counted, but she didn't let me drive home because it was to long and "The weather was to bad"  My parents did let me drive figure 8's around 2 lamp poles.  It didn't mater that I didn't drive back, I had a great moment.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blake's favorite experience favorite experience with sports is when I scored a really cool goal against a rival team in my hockey game. My team was playing Wayzata, and this game determined which team was going to regions. No one scored in the first period so the score going into the second was 0-0. Then at the end of the first one of our teammates got a penalty. So at the beginning of the second period we would be on penalty kill. So I and three other teammates went out to kill of the penalty. Well it was a pretty even game between us and Wayzata until one of the Wayzata guys missed the pass to the point, and I raced after the puck trying to beat another guy racing to it to. He beat me bye just a little bit but then my teammate pick the puck up and try to go to the net but got tied up. Meanwhile I was watching the play and trying to pick out the perfect time to take the puck. Then I saw my chance so I went for it and I stole the puck and got on a breakaway. It was just me and the goalie. I came it faked a shot went to the right and pulled a spin move, and puck the puck through the five hole of the goalie. It was the best goal I have ever had in my life. The crowd was going crazy. That goal put us up but 1 the score was 1-0. In the end we lost the game 3-2 in the last 30 seconds of the game but it still was an exciting game and I had a really cool goal, so in the end it was my favorite experience.   

Monday, March 3, 2014

What A.A.S Is About

Hi this is A.A.S and what we blog about is sports but not just your common football, and hockey we branch from sports like cricket all the way to water polo, and more. We will be posting experiences, and sports you may not have even heard of. .A.A.S (All Around Sports) means from all around, we will bring you to places like africa and other countries around the world to show you unique sports and traditional games that have been going on for generations. Also we will blog about school sports and what its like to play for the school. Something that will be a good interest is wether something is a sport, like parkour (Free Running) is it a sport or just a hobby? 

Sports can go to the extreme like Aztec ball wich is where there is two teams, a ball, and a wall with a sideways hoop. What people would do is hit the ball with there hips and get it in the hoop. When it comes to winning and loosing, they really wanted to win because the loosers were often a sacrifice for the gods.

I hope you enjoy our blogs and maybe learn a few new things that maybe you diddn't know thank's for youre time 

sincerely- A.A.S